E4 Youth

E4 Youth is a partner The Butler Bros have engaged to address equity issues in our industry. Our own experience teaches us that the privilege of exposure to an industry can change the trajectory of your life. We had that experience when Adam and Marty became near neighbors to Steve Gurasich, the founder of GSD&M advertising, over 33 years ago. After internships in their mail room, file room and art department we saw what we could be in the industry.

E4 Youth was built to mindfully expand and accelerate these opportunities. We are financially contributing to their mission. And we are running a student studio for them. Our entire team is excited to engage and is grateful to Carl Settles the founder and Executive Director for his vision and daily commitment to this work. We believe collaboration leads to transformation. And at this moment we open ourselves more deeply to the lessons we can learn even as we teach what we know about our field. If you’d like to learn more about the work of E4 Youth and contribute their mission you can do so here.


New Cuts


Mike & Sherry Project