With Butler: Susan Lee Vick


About Susan

Susan Lee Vick doesn't need Sarah McLachlan singing "... in the arms of an angel..." to convince you to adopt a pet. Because she knows joy is a way more powerful motivator. And it’s something she witnesses every day as CEO of Joybound People & Pets — a nationally recognized non profit in the Bay Area with a unique dual mission to help both humans and animals.

We collaborated with Susan and her team to develop the new name and visual identity for Joybound, formerly known as Animal Rescue Foundation.

As a part of our With Butler series, Susan shares with us why it's important to love what you do and who you work with, and how she takes on any challenges that come her way.




In a word or two, how would you describe working with Butler?

Butler brought our organization to a deeper understanding of our identity, then translated that new understanding into our iconic, already beloved new name and brand. Thanks to Butler, We Are Joybound! 


What’s the one thing you love most about your job?

Empowering a team who is passionate about connecting people and pets, dares to dream big, and doesn’t stop ‘til our dreams are reality.


What’s the most valuable piece of advice someone has given you?

Resistance will appear in proportion to forward motion. Knowing that helps me take the challenges that come with change as natural signs of progress. 


What quality do you value most in a collaborator?

Willingness to speak their truth, especially when it's counter to my thinking. Also a spirit of play, the best sign of a high-functioning partnership/organization.


Who’s the one person you work best with and why?

Naming one would be incredibly difficult! I work with a team of incredibly innovative professionals, volunteers, and supporters, devoted to the human-animal bond and passionate about both animal welfare and human well-being. On a daily basis though, Raul del Barco, Cheryl McKenna, Lisa Moore, and Wendy Taylor-Talenian are the best imaginable thought and action partners. Their huge hearts for the mission, diverse skills, experience, wisdom, dedication to excellence, and great sense of humor make this work a joy.



About With Butler

We get to work with some truly amazing people. With Butler is an ongoing series where we highlight the many remarkable clients, partners and leaders we’ve been able to collaborate with over the years. In the series, we ask them to share lessons they’ve learned and how they like to collaborate by answering five thought-provoking questions.


With Butler: Jay Kleberg