With Butler: Erika Thompson
Photo: Sara Marie D'Eugenio
About Erika
Erika Thompson, Founder of Texas Beeworks, has always been fascinated by insects. But when she quit her office job to become a full-time beekeeper, she never imagined that fascination would one day make her famous. Her meditative beekeeping videos on social have attracted more than 13 million followers and led to appearances on shows such as Good Morning America, The Ellen Show and Joe Rogan’s podcast.
Before Erika became the world’s most famous beekeeper, we worked with her in 2017 to design a new visual identity for Texas Beeworks.
As part of our With Butler series, Erika shares some canoeing advice, the importance of integrity and why her mom is her favorite person to work with.
In a word or two, how would you describe working with Butler?
Life-changing. Before working with Butler I was just a beekeeper, and after working with Butler I became a brand.
What’s the one thing you love most about your job?
The thing I love most about my job is that I get to help bees, people and the natural world all at the same time.
What’s the most valuable piece of advice someone has given you?
Love many, trust few and always paddle your own canoe.
What quality do you value most in a collaborator?
Integrity. I don't think there is anything more important to the process or the product than working alongside people who have strong moral fiber.
Who’s the one person you work best with and why?
The one person I work best with is my mom — who often travels with me for appearances and speaking engagements. She is a great problem solver, my best advocate and my biggest fan.
About With Butler
We get to work with some truly amazing people. With Butler is an ongoing series where we highlight the many remarkable clients, partners and leaders we’ve been able to collaborate with over the years. In the series, we ask them to share lessons they’ve learned and how they like to collaborate by answering five thought-provoking questions.